30 ways to say “goodbye” in English (without saying “goodbye”)

There are a lot of ways to say goodbye in english. With all these options you never need to say goodbye the same way twice! Here’s a few of the more common sayings. 

More formal 

  • Goodbye

  • See you again soon!

  • I must be going

  • Well, I’m off

  • Have a nice day

  • Until we meet again

  • It was nice to see you again

  • Take care

  • Farewell 

  • Be well

More Casual

  • Bye

  • See you later!

  • Talk to you later

  • I need to run

  • Take it easy

  • Have a good one

  • Until the next 

  • Happy trails 

  • I’m off

  • Be good

Only with friends

  • Peace ✌️ / Peace out

  • Later / Laters 

  • See ya

  • Stay cool

  • Talk later / Talk to ya

  • Catch you later / Catch you on the flip

  • Over and out / I’m out / out

  • I gotta jet / gotta bolt (“gotta” is short for “got to”, which means to need)

  • Gotta bounce / gotta scoot 

  • Stay out of trouble 

  • It’s been real

  • In a while, crocodile


Simple vs. Present Continuous Tense


Perfect tenses: Present and Past